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Trans/Non-Binary Athletes Need a New Cat. for Inclusiveness and Fairness in Intl. Sports??

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I changed my middle-name to Freeones


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Jon Stewart raised an example from over 50 years ago, although interestingly he didn't mention her name, and just referred to her as a "Polish Sprinter".

Quick google search shows it is:


She passed the "nude anatomy test", but then failed the "chromosomes" test a year later, and on that basis, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) erased the three world records set by her, including the two team records in the 4×100 m relay. Yes, it happened 50 years ago, but even today they still haven't issued an apology. That's not right.

How is it that she isn't considered to be a "woman"?
If giving birth doesn't qualify you as a woman, then what will?
There should have been no question that she be allowed to compete as a woman, back then or by today's standards.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
Sports World Reacts To Supreme Court's Transgender Ruling
On Friday, the Supreme Court refused to immediately reinstate a West Virginia law barring transgender athletes from playing on female sports teams from middle school through college.
Per the Washington Post, the decision is not a ruling on the constitutionality of the law, however.

SCOTUS didn't rule on the constitutionality of the law, so they just kicked the can down the road. Looks like they're not too keen on making a decision, but they're going to forced to make a decision soon.

On a side note, I think that particular law would have been more acceptable if they just said trans athletes could participate in middle school teams (instead of all the way to college). If inclusion was truly the goal, they would have at least started there, instead of asking for the entire 9 yards.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
After use of ‘ladies’ in email ends one school superintendent candidacy, another candidate reportedly withdrew after old social media posts surface

Vito Perrone tells CNN that he sent an email to two women, including a committee member, asking for three changes to his contract using the word “ladies” to address them, which he was told was perceived as a “microaggression” and was “disrespectful.”
Context matters, but it does seem to indicate that he simply used the term to address the 2 women together. Is "ladies" now an inappropriate term now??

The second part refers to the sports topic:
According to a copy of the Facebook posts provided by the student, Faginski-Stark posted a link to a video on January 23, 2021, with the following commentary: “For EVERY female athlete out there, it’s time to speak up. As a former Div. 1 scholarship athlete and academic & athletic ALL American, our young women just got stripped of their equal rights and equal opportunity yesterday.”

It’s unclear what she is referring to – but days before, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation, which in part said, “Children should be able to learn without worrying about whether they will be denied access to the restroom, the locker room, or school sports.”
Being reprimanded for encouraging people to express their political view doesn't sound very democratic...


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Biden is a loon doing the bidding of pedos like Bill Gates. Money talks in the Biden family.
I am glad women are being protected without harming trans athletes. Though to hear DEMS and pro-trans athletes tell it they are being banned from sports which is not the case. I Congress is doing its job in making new laws. SCOTUS was correct in stepping back and not trying to make law. Its not their job. Its their job to judge cases that challenge laws. All in all reality is becoming important again.

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
I tried to think of a better, well thought-out response but speaking in plain English communicates my feelings better. Basically...

I am getting sick and tired of this shit. The persnickety nature of this movement seeming to change the language and alphabet at their fucking whim is causing me to become less tolerant instead of more. Fuck their purity test. I'd rather be considered a bigot than a docile drone that follows their lead.


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I changed my middle-name to Freeones


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i SAW THAT. I think we will see more and more women refusing to stand on the podium until men are banned from the cycling sports and ultimately all of women's sports.
Men are free to compete in open categories and the men's categories which won't happen because 99,9% of the men doing this form of cheating perform terribly in men's competitions.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
The fact that "she" didn't enter the non-binary category tells you that this wasn't about the right to participate. I think the best we can hope for is a future where trans athletes will be barred from the women's events, provided that a 3rd category is provided at the event.


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It's a part of some men's ongoing battle to take away women's rights as much as possible. It's going to get uglier over the next 1-2 years. I used to care about the non-Japanese trans community's safety and well-being. Now I kind of feel they are on their own. Their use of the word, "genocide" is abhorrent.

Concrete Cock

Never Trust A Babyface
I used to care about the non-Japanese trans community's safety and well-being. Now I kind of feel they are on their own.

I used to have sympathy for transsexuals too until they overplayed their hand with the daily purity tests seeing how far they can push. Now we have M2Fs trying to compete against biological women in sports. First it's swimming, then track, and soon to be combat sports if we allow it. A lot of college athletic scholarships intended for girls will be lost to boys. Interjecting their confused bullshit with innocent children created some serious enemies to their cause too.


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That is sad.
Begs the question though, what if the child was trans? How would have things played out then?

I think trans kids are figments of mentally ill parents minds. There may be a small number of genuine cases but more and more proof is revealed every day that teachers, schools, doctors and others are grooming children to fall for their agendas based on their own desires or illnesses. I remember wearing a sun dress while preparing for Halloween when I was 7. I was thinking to go as "mommy". I remember years later saying things to affirm the relationship with my mother to align with her. To be a part of our tribe. Small kids desperately seek parents approval. Unfit parents make the mistake of transitioning their children medically and surgically. They should be jailed. Along with the doctors performing the surgeries.

I went as a hobo that Halloween cause I could not walk in high heels. With socks on. I see girls in Japan doing it every day. I applaud them.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
I think trans kids are figments of mentally ill parents minds. There may be a small number of genuine cases but more and more proof is revealed every day that teachers, schools, doctors and others are grooming children to fall for their agendas based on their own desires or illnesses. I remember wearing a sun dress while preparing for Halloween when I was 7. I was thinking to go as "mommy". I remember years later saying things to affirm the relationship with my mother to align with her. To be a part of our tribe. Small kids desperately seek parents approval. Unfit parents make the mistake of transitioning their children medically and surgically. They should be jailed. Along with the doctors performing the surgeries.

I went as a hobo that Halloween cause I could not walk in high heels. With socks on. I see girls in Japan doing it every day. I applaud them.
I agree that prepubescent kids are not likely to fully understand how they identify as.
Which also brings up the point that the couple in the above article shouldn't have assumed a 9yr old was trans. And even if she was a cis-male, there wouldn't have been any advantage coming from it. I don't know if it's still a thing, but many pre-teen sports when I was growing up were co-ed.


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The more I read about the issue the more it is clear that trans kids are a concept in the minds of mentally ill people including parents. I saw a twitter account a couple of days ago where someone who looked female was talking about her queer dogs. Projection and transference is strong with some. It's awful that children or dogs are the victims.


I changed my middle-name to Freeones
I'm just speculating here, but isn't sexual attraction something that first becomes defined with puberty? You don't see kids getting "horny", because that literally hasn't developed in their minds yet. And since sexual attraction is a large part of defining your gender identity, it would stand to follow that a determination on the subject would be impossible & irresponsible if they haven't reached that physical stage.
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